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Origin of the word
This word derives from two GREEK words,
one meaning large and another meaning tongue.
do you need a tip?
The greek word meaning tongue is “gloss”
Large + Tongue = ?
- Greek word used as a preffix to mean large is “Macro”
- Greek word meaning tongue is “Gloss”
Macro + Gloss = Macroglossia
Note: the suffix -ia is addeed to identify the noun as a condition/disease.
Prefix: Macro-
Root word: Gloss
Suffix: -ia
“Macroglossia is the medical term for a large or enlarged tongue. It may be due to a variety of congenital and acquired conditions. Isolated macroglossia has no determinable cause. It is seen commonly in Down syndrome. The most common causes of tongue enlargement are vascular malformations (e.g. lymphangioma or haemangioma) and muscular hypertrophy. It may, however, be due to infiltration, as with primary systemic amyloidosis.”
Definition by International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision