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Find information about surgeries, patologies, anatomy, operating room practices and patient care.
Perioperative Practice
Discover many posts about general principles of working in theatre, This information is important for any student or healthacre professionals who works or aims to work in a perioperative setting.
How can you learn?
The learning experience in my operating room diary will stimulate all your senses!
You have many options. From reading articles, watching some videos, enjoying some comics, or learn while playing, You choose!
Research work that provides a more indepth knowledge about a patology and its treament, exploring in an easy and simple manner concepts of anatomy and pathophysiology.
Play Game
Learn difficult terms while playing.
Can you solve the Etymological Equation?
Learn complex things through comics. Let's have some fun!
Animated short films that summarise the most important topics of a subject. You only need less than 5 minutes to learn!
Who is The Scrub Nurse?
My name is Sofia Gonçalves and as the name suggests, I am Portuguese (no... not Spanish!).
I have created this project because I enjoy so much working in theatres, and I also have bad memory!
Here I can revisit my searches about surgical cases, anatomy and patology,
Plus...I have finally found a space to share my drawings! : )
I do love to draw....and because I learn better using illustrations, this is the perfect recipe to combine my passion for ARTS and Science! Yes!
My story:
I was born in Switerzland and grew up in Portugal, where I completed all my studies and my Nursing degree.
As a student nurse, I had the opportunity to live and study in Lyon (France) for 3 months, where love for surgery began!
My first experience as a nurse was in Cazombo (Angola) and soon after my journey in England began. At first, working in a nursing home and later in theatres - where the dream of becoming a theatre nurse started!
Science and art were always a big passion of mine, and when I had to choose a career path, I felt lots of pressure. Why can't I choose both?
Years later, after choosing Science over Art, this little place in the web appeared! Pop!
I recently had the honor of being invited to join Poems For Children - an UK charity who trains professionals and brings awareness about procedural anxiety in children.

Who should follow The Scrub Nurse?
My operating room diary is aimed at anyone who wants to learn about surgical procedures and perioperative practices.
It is a great source of information for Theatre Nurses, Operating Department Practicioners, and Students.